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What Is The SNAP Program

SNAP is a food assistance program that stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. This program is designed to help low-income households purchase approved food items from authorized SNAP retailers throughout the United States using an EBT card. Each month you will receive a benefits allotment payment through an Electronic Benefits Transfer, this allotment is based on multiple criteria's which includes how many people live in your home, current household income and current expenses and resources.

Am I Eligible For SNAP Benefits?
There are eligibility requirements when trying to apply for an EBT card. This may include how many people live in your house, household income, available resources such as cash, bank accounts etc. You will need to fill out a EBT application in your state. Usually this can be done either online or at a local SNAP office. Find out more about how to apply for EBT in your state.

Do I need to be a US citizen to receive SNAP Benefits?
Certain legal, qualified aliens may be eligible for an EBT card. They must meet the same eligibility requirements as US citizens. An example of a non-citizen who may qualify is someone who has been a lawful permanent resident, aliens with green cards, for 5 years. To find out more about this, click here.

Who manages the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program?
SNAP is managed by the Department of Agriculture. They provide money to each state who in return provide SNAP benefits for its residents SNAP is a nutrition and federal entitlement program, but it is not a welfare cash assistance program. This means that anyone who is eligible to receive an EBT card will receive SNAP benefits.

Why is it now called SNAP and not food stamps?
The change was made to show that this food assistance program is now a modern program that uses debit like cards, EBT cards, instead of paper money, food stamp coupons. The name change does not affect benefits in any way; the only difference is the name. The federal government changed the name of the program on October 1, 2008.

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