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How To Apply For Food Stamps In South Dakota

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a federally funded program that offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families. The program is run by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). If you live in this state and need to apply for a South Dakota EBT Card, then the information below shows you how to apply for food stamps in South Dakota. If you have additional questions or concerns about the South Dakota SNAP program or the EBT application process, please contact the South Dakota Department of Social Services for assistance.

South Dakota SNAP Eligibility Requirements
To help determine if you are eligible for SNAP benefits, you can use an online pre-screening tool provided by USDA Food and Nutrition Service. This pre-screening tool is not an application for SNAP benefits. An application for SNAP benefits must be made at your local office or online.

Who is eligible to receive SNAP benefits?
Households must meet eligibility requirements and provide information and verification about their household circumstances. To participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program:

  • Households may have no more than $2,250 in countable resources, such as a bank account ($3,250 if at least one person in the household is a person with a disability or age 60 or older). Certain resources are not counted, such as your home and one vehicle.
  • The gross monthly income of most households must be 130 percent or less of the Federal poverty guidelines. Gross income includes all cash payments to the household, with a few exceptions specified in the law or the program regulations.
  • Net monthly income must be 100 percent or less of the Federal poverty guidelines. Net income is figured by adding all of a household's gross income, and then subtracting the approved deductions for shelter costs, dependent care costs, child support payments made to someone not living with the household, and medical expenses for individuals over the age of 60 or with a disability. Households with a person with a disability or age 60 or older are subject only to the net income test.
  • Most able-bodied adult applicants must meet certain work requirements.
  • All household members must provide a Social Security number or apply for one, if they wish to receive benefits.
  • Federal poverty guidelines are established by the Office of Management and Budget and are updated annually by the Department of Health and Human Services.

How is each household's SNAP allotment determined?
Eligible households are issued a monthly allotment of SNAP benefits based on the Thrifty Food Plan, a low-cost model diet plan. The TFP is based on National Academy of Sciences Recommended Dietary allowances, and on food choices of low-income households. An individual household's SNAP allotment is equal to the maximum allotment for that household's size, less 30 percent of the household's net income.

Applying for South Dakota SNAP
There are a few different ways to apply for SNAP. Please choose the option that works best for you:

  • Apply online by using the online application. You can apply, renew, or report changes for SNAP and/or Medical Assistance on this website.
  • You can file an application at your local Social Services office.
  • You can download an application form, complete and return it (in person or via mail) to your local Social Services Office.

Required Verifications
At the time of your interview, you will be required to provide the following verifications:

If you cannot get all the information together by your interview date, still come for the interview because you will have additional time to provide this information. If you need assistance in obtaining this information, please discuss with your benefits specialist at the time of the interview.

  • Proof of identity (driver's license, etc.), alien status.
  • Social Security numbers for all household members.
  • If employed, proof of income (wage stubs, earning statements, etc.) for the past 30 days.
  • If self-employed, proof of income (income tax return, self-employment ledgers, etc.)
  • Proof of all other income (Social Security, SSI, workmen's compensation, unemployment benefits, BIA general assistance, child support, rental income, VA benefits, interest income for last year, etc.)
  • Information about checking accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposit, credit union accounts, retirement accounts, stocks, bonds, dividends, etc.

Other Verifications that may increase your benefits, if provided:

  • Proof of shelter costs (rent or mortgage payment, lot rent, household, real estate taxes, utility bills - heat, electricity, water/sewage/garbage, telephone, etc.)
  • Proof of dependent care expenses (statement from provider, signed receipts, etc.)
  • If anyone is age 60 or older, or permanently disabled, proof of medical expenses not paid by another source (health insurance, doctor bills, hospital bills, drug receipts, pharmacy statement, etc.)
  • If paying child support payments, proof of obligation and payment (divorce decree/administrative order, cancelled checks, clerk of courts receipt, etc.)
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